Friday, December 11, 2015

My performance

To me, it is always more easy the reading part, because is easiest to identify the words when they’re in a text. In this part I have 8 correct answers.
The most difficult part is the listening because it’s hard to me indentifies the words by their sound because sometimes they’re very different from the spelling.
In the vocabulary were many words that I didn’t know so I could learn a lot of new words.
I think that my performance isn’t that bad but it could be better. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Play in education 

                  The news is about the play in education. It is a discussion, with different opinions about this topic, the principal idea is answer the question if the play is a help the teacher for the learning.
Today everybody knows the importance of play in education, for the learning and creative. The teachers usually using the play like the strategy for the children can significantly learn with their partners, so is very important for the creativity. In their homes, when they was baby explore, discover and learn across play. But the play to use more in the kindergarten and  primary school, and in the secondary education not using play because the curriculum is very formal, although some teachers use the play in secondary school, respect the curriculum. Is responsibility of teacher knows the importance of the play and use in the school.

               It is news very interesting for me, because many investigations mark than play is the learning tool most important in the first infancy and then can use the play in the secondary school, even in the University and in our life, somebody can learn across play.

               Today, the Chilean education system is very formal and boring, the child only learn of memory, for the answer test and have good mark and score in standardized test, but is necessary than learn for the life and grow as a person. It is an object of the education for me.

The link of news is here: